Web Development Services

We've got experience in every aspect involved in web design to help our customers achieve their maximum potential. Make your company online, increase sales, and gain more leads.

We have a complete strategy for web development, starting with coding and marking-up, all the way up to content and web design. We are proud to be an experienced team of professionals who work together. Bigit X aims to build your site to be more prominent in search results and provide the most enjoyable experience for your visitors.

We offer a broad range of services, including E-commerce sites, full-fat web pages portals, platforms, Intranets, extranets and intranets custom software solutions including native and hybrid tablet and mobile applications, creative gamification, development, Facebook applications, an information hub, or the site as an online portfolio that showcases your products and services. We can assist you with your requirements.

E-commerce Solutions

Our company has proven solutions for eCommerce development or shopping cart programs for online companies.

CMS, WordPress, Drupal

We create Content Management Systems (CMS) that allow you to efficiently manage content on your site.


Our team creates customized strategies designed for Intranets & Extranet development, Knowledge management, and integration with Sharepoint.

Facebook Applications

We are an industry-leading app development company that provides Web mobile, Mobile, and Facebook App Development services.

Email Marketing Solutions

We develop top-of-the-line email marketing software to design emails, track and send campaigns that produce results.

PHP and JS Development

We offer software development services: PHP, Drupal, Python, JavaScript/ jQuery, and many other advanced technologies.

Our case studies

See all projects


E-commerce solutions


Websites for TOP 500 companies


Complex intranets for corporations


Popular Facebook applications


E-mail marketing strategies


Experienced Web Development Ninjas

Effective Web Development Solutions

Cross-platform and responsive web development

We offer rigorous testing on all major types of devices, including operating systems and browsers, before launching your new site and then signing off the project. Testing is conducted as a user and an administrator to make sure that your website is up-to-date and user-friendly.

Secured testing environment for your web project

We utilize sophisticated tools to gather content, allowing visualizing content in terms of website architecture. We'll implement changes in your team before it going live. Additionally, you can access a certain test or staging environment for your site, hosted on our servers throughout the creation process.

Effective Web Development Solutions


Tell us about your project

Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

Harness the full power of open-source frameworks, contact us and get a bespoke content-manageable website that suits exactly your needs and requirements.


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